Jeff Davis, CEO & Founder @ JD2 Consulting Group
Sales & Marketing Stage
Ascent Conference 2020
[00:00:01] Hello, everybody, and welcome to today’s presentation. My name is Jeff Davis, keynote speaker and author of the award winning book Create Togetherness. Very excited to be here with you at the Ascent Conference. Thank you for taking the time to join me. My presentation is entitled Togetherness. And what we’re going to talk about today is how the modern buyer and seller relationship has changed and how sales and marketing can no longer operate in silos in order to be effective today and growing the business. You as sales, marketing revenue professionals all know that the world has changed even beyond all that’s going on with covid. Even before that, things have changed. We really have to be thoughtful as leaders about how we transform our organizations to be able to fit the needs, wants, desires of the modern buyers.
[00:00:51] So I hope to inspire you, but also give you some strategies and tactics that you can take back to your organization that I think will really help you change the game and your organization.
[00:01:01] So before we get to that, I want to share a little bit of my aha moment story. My Oprah aha moment story that really got me to understand the power of the relationship between sales and marketing so early in my career as a sales professional and health care sales. And I was doing very, very well. I had reached the top five percent of the leaderboard. I was making things happen. My strategies and tactics were working. And then we had huge regulation changes to the industry.
[00:01:33] And seemingly overnight, all of the strategies and tactics that I had used to be successful were no longer on the table. In many cases, they were actually illegal, so you couldn’t use them. And so I really was like, what do I do? And true to my worst nightmare, it actually happened. I never started to slip. My market share started to slip. I just didn’t know what to do. And so was any true blue salesperson. I just did more at my knee jerk reaction was to just do more. So more meetings, more emails, more phone calls. I literally became that stalker in the parking lot that was looking for my customers to try to have a conversation and try to drum up some business because I really felt like I was drowning. And after doing all that work, after about a quarter to nothing to really change, in some cases, I continued to decline. And what I knew is that I was exhausted. And so what I was doing wasn’t working. That’s the moment I said, look, this is not working. There has got to be a better way. And then I had this chance encounter with the director of marketing. He actually came to one of our district sales meetings. He talked about this new tool that they had created and looked at all of the data in our territory and actually was able to tell us which the customer is in our territory, had the highest chances of actually converting to a customer in the language in the way that we should approach them in the in the sales process to be able to make sure that we were actually resonating with them. And that’s really when the light bulb went off. I said, oh, I can actually leverage what marketing is using to help me sell more efficiently and effectively. And in sales, it’s not just that what we call the ivory tower of folks that are justifying their six figure salaries by pushing out sales materials and updating the website or whatever they did working with Salesforce. No, I could actually partner with marketing in a way that actually meant something to me because it helped me actually achieve making my numbers. And that’s when I got the power of the sales and marketing relationship. And so what I’m hoping today, I know a lot of companies are struggling like I was struggling that time was what do we do? This is what we’ve done in the past. It’s always worked and it’s not producing the same results. So I’m hoping to share with you what I’ve learned a moment for all of my work working with companies and speaking to help you think about it differently and hopefully improve the outcomes for your organization. So there’s really four key insights that I want to share with you today that we’re going to cover in our time today. The first being misalignment costs more than you think. Second, the modern business relationship has changed.
[00:04:18] Third, customer acquisition strategy must focus on decision making, and then fourth will go through the newly released Seven Steps to achieving alignment transformation. So I think we’ll have a really great conversation and hopefully will take a ton of notes and hopefully the strategies and tactics will help you. As I said before, we need your organization. So let’s start with this. Any time I start with a presentation like this it’s typically live so we don’t have that luxury today and I usually ask people to actually raise their hand every time I say something that is happening in the organization. So we can’t do that. So you could raise your hand. I can’t see you. That’s OK. Or in your mind, just take mental notes of if you hear things that are happening organization. So many times when I work with organizations or work with leaders, many people unfortunately have to say are in denial about misalignment. They’re like, oh, no, we’re alive. We work with you. Well, we have meetings. And after asking a series of questions, that’s when you stereotypically uncover that the baby is ugly, which, you know, we never want to tell people their baby is ugly, but that is sometimes very much the case. So I want to go through a couple of scenarios with you in a couple of what I call triggers that may be indicative that say this is happening organization and it’s something that you need to address. So there’s really kind of four big buckets that I see that kind of are telltale signs that misalignment is an issue between sales and marketing.
[00:05:45] So first and foremost, poor quality leads.
[00:05:48] This sounds like sales complaining about marketing of the market. Leads are terrible. That keeps those leads. I hate them, blah, blah, blah, blah. And marketing saying we send you all these leads, you never follow up on them wasting our time doing this. So if you’re hearing those conversations in the hallways or wherever, that may be indicative that there’s a misalignment issue. What I find is that usually I have high, high volume leads and low conversion rates. That really is typically when you know that there’s a telltale sign that there’s a misalignment issue between sales and marketing.
[00:06:21] Secondly, different goals. Any time that I go to organization and sales marketing don’t have the same goals or have very, very different goals, it is a complete red flag. You would be very surprised that the number of organizations where sales and marketing are not on the same page when it comes to goals. And if you are to operate as an online revenue engine, you have to have the same goals that you’re moving in the same direction and you’re in sync. So different goals. That is something is happening. Organization, raise your hand. Mental note, you may have a baseline issue that needs to be addressed.
[00:06:56] Third, lack of what I like to call tribal knowledge. There are a ton of insights between the marketing and sales team. What I see a lot of times, if there’s a lack of a feedback loop of formal feedback loop between marketing and sales and so sales may not share their business intelligence, marketing may not share theirs. Stereotypically is a lack of getting the tribal knowledge out of sales into the hands of marketers so they can actually adjust their strategies and tactics to be able to to better meet the needs of sales people. So it’s about putting in that formal feedback loop between the teams that are continuously communicating. So if you feel like there’s not sharings across the organization in a formal way that people can adjust what they’re doing, that may also be indicative that there’s a lack of tribal knowledge. And that misalignment is is an issue that needs to be addressed in your organization.
[00:07:50] And then last but not least, a dysfunctional relationship between sales and marketing. So this is not a to be confused with a combative relationship where sales and marketing are at war. They’re fighting, which many people think is the case, which I very often find time to find. That’s not the case. The special relationship means that sales and marketing don’t understand how to work with each other and how to leverage each other in order to achieve their goals. Stereotypically, what I see is that sales and marketing don’t really understand each other. And so while they may get along, they don’t really know how to leverage their business relationship in order to achieve their functional goals. Or in some cases they don’t have a relationship at all, which is even worse by virtue that you represent the revenue engine of the company. Not having the relationship between sales and marketing is very, very scary. So these are some of the telltale signs that misalignment is something that you need to take seriously.
[00:08:41] So if you raise your hand, whether you did it physically or you did it in your mind once or several times, this may well, first of all, you’re probably in the right workshop. Second of all, you definitely probably have the best alignment issue. And I think the rest of the presentation is going to be extremely valuable for you. So doing just more or just doing more, I should say, is not working for us very much like I started the presentation with my story of how the knee jerk reaction just you more is not working. We are we have more sales reps. We have more technology. Marketing is pushing out more content. We are doing more, more, more. And we’re doing year after year. And what the CSO Insights data shows us is that that is not an effective way to move forward. It is not generating revenue results that we want. So in their data, they track B2B sales representatives ability to hit quota year after year. And what we’re finding is that every year that declines back in twenty fourteen when they started tracking this data at sixty four point three percent. Now in our latest report, we’re down to fifty four point three percent actually year over year. We decline every year. This is really the story, right? Doing just I say just doing more does not lead to effective revenue growth does not lead to sustainable, sustainable revenue growth. And so we really have to start thinking differently about the the notion that just doing more will fix a problem. We have to go beyond just looking at pure volume, volume of leads, volume of activities, volume of calls. We really have to start looking at our productivity and we have to strive to get more efficient and effective in the way that we sell and market to the bottom buyer, because again, just doing more, the same thing is not leading to the revenue results that either the sales leader or the market leader or the CEO really wants for the organization. So let’s dig into that a little bit to really understand where that loss of productivity is happening.
[00:10:46] So we have data that shows that 80 percent or more, in some cases, depending on the study you look at of marketing generate at least actually don’t even get touched by sales. This should be alarming for anybody in the organization. You are paying your marketers a lot of money to do a ton of great work in creating campaigns and creating events, and that is supposed to create lead them to else. Would you do all that work and you hand it over to sales associates and I don’t really want to touch them. It’s not important. I mean, look at my own lead. That is a waste of time, energy and resources. And this is the sort of thing that really is causing a lot of the revenue loss of organization is that you have people working really hard, but they’re not working together. And a lot of times this comes because sales doesn’t trust marketing sales, because the the leads or the inkwells that they provide them are irrelevant. But either way it goes, this is a huge mess. Again, you have two parts of the organization, both your marketers, both your salespeople, highly paid, working really hard, but not working together, not working smart. And this is indicative of this idea of, yes, we’re all doing more, but is are we aligned in the way that we look at things? So when you really quantify that lost sales, productivity and wasted marketing spend, it can be upwards of one trillion dollars, that is a lot of money. And yes, I did say trillion with a T and so the marketing study looked at what is it costing companies by virtue that word, that word misalign to continue to operate this way? It’s extremely costly. A lot of people don’t take it as seriously as they should and say, yeah, we’re misaligned. That’s how sales and marketing have always been. They operate in silos. It’s just the way it is. Well, if you continue to operate that the way that you are, you really are going to be at a significant disadvantage at organization because misalignments is almost like a cancer that eats at the core of your business. And many times, by the time that you figure out how bad it is, you really are in a situation that’s really tough to come out of, if you can at all. So I want to really make sure that I impress on everybody that on this particular call today that you understand that misalignment is extremely costly because it really is about loss sales productivity by virtue that salespeople can’t really capitalize on the work the market is doing and then wasted marketing spend. When you put those two together, that is a lot of wasted time, energy and resources.
[00:13:24] So in the book Create Togetherness, I kind of also liken it to being on a rowboat in the middle of a large pond and you see a hole in the bottom of the boat. And many times the organizations do. They say, oh, it’s just a little hole, not a big deal, grab a bucket and throw the water out the side. Over time, that hole gets bigger and bigger and people continue to actually do the same thing, get a little bucket, throw it out. And it’s not until you really take on so much water that the boat begins to think that anybody really gets panic and wants to do something about it. Which is what I would like to share with you. Those on the call stand up, be a leader and say let’s really take charge and fix the real root problem. And that’s plugging the hole from the very beginning. And that’s what addressing this misalignment issue between sales and marketing really is about. And it really that is the impact that will have on the organization to fix things and make them better and really put you in a position where you can achieve sustainable revenue growth over time. So many people asked me just why is this so important now, why are we hearing so much about sales and marketing alignment? It’s not new and you’re right, it’s not new. Sales and marketing have been misaligned media organizations for decades. We’ve had very siloed organization. And it’s gotten it’s worked for most organizations for some time. But that’s no longer the case because of digital disruption. This is what has completely changed the game and why, as of recent, you’re hearing more about the need to fix sales and marketing alignment because the modern buyer isn’t powered by digital information, sorry, digital disruption. But the problem that we’re having is that sellers, vendors, companies have not recognized that they’re selling in a way that is not matched with the way that buyers buy. If you are selling the same way you were selling three, five, maybe even 10 years ago, you are missing the mark. The modern buyer is required something completely different. They have nearly unlimited access to information, people and resources. And if you’re showing up talking about features and benefits and not connecting with them in the way that they want to be engaged, you will find that they are going to go to other companies and other vendors or other buyers. And that’s what a lot of organizations are seeing now. They’re trying to do more of what they did in the past. And they’re saying that the results that they historically were able to achieve are no longer happening. And that’s because of digital disruption.
[00:16:02] Now, digital disruption really is about information and quality. That is the side effect that is causing the biggest issue between the buyer and the seller. Now, information and quality is not new. It is a concept that we probably haven’t talked about historically, but is because we had all the power and the relationship, it flowed from us to the buyer. The buyer was dependent on us for information. Well, that is completely out the window. The buyer, as I said before, now has access to all data, all information, not just what you have on your website, but everything that’s out in the market. And that’s why we have to change the way that we engage with them. I tell my clients a lot of times you don’t want to show up like a used car salesman, but when you sell like you did three, five, 10 years ago, that is how you showing up. So I may be dating myself with the used car salesperson example, but think about it. When you were younger, you might have just gotten your your driver’s license, 16, 17, 18, whatever the case may be, you went down the lot, the used car lot with your parents and you kind of maybe had an idea of what car you want it, but you were really dependent on the salesperson to guide you and what you bought. Again, they may have listened to you and guide you to where you wanted to go or they geared you toward the car that gave you the highest commission. You really were at the whim of that salesperson because you didn’t have a lot of data. Right. Fast forward, we had this disruption, and that’s called Internet Consumer Reports completely changes the game for us, the buyer and our power. You have researched. And so you’re coming in with a clearer idea of what make a model you want, what you want, what kind of a range, what you’re going to pay. And you really need that particular salesperson to just basically make sure that your experience is a great one and that you really help them sorry that they really help you close the deal on what you want. And you see that experience becomes so much more important, which is exactly what we’re going through right now, is that because I have all the data, I just need you to help me make a decision. And so that’s where if you’re coming like that used car salesperson in the first example and talking about features and benefits and trying to guide people to what you want them to buy, you’re not going to resonate because that particular buyer is much more informed, is much more savvy and needs and require something different.
[00:18:34] And then even fast forward again in this next disruption where you have companies like Carvana, which have completely changed the way that buyers buy. When I look at cars where you can literally go into a website or order car to come to you at your door without ever stepping out of your house. And so again, while the automotive industry has really gone through a number of disruptions, this sort of change is happening right now in B2B and a lot of companies will not not recognizing it or not really paying attention to it. But this is the same type of changes that we’re seeing in B2B. And so this is why you have to change the way you’re engaging with the modern buyer, because they’re coming to the table with so much more information. And if we’re just talking about features and benefits, again, you are missing the mark. So the companies that are getting it right beyond being focused on creating amazing customer experience and amazing buying experience, because we find that that is more important than price of product, what they’re also doing to separate themselves is they’re focusing on helping buyers make decisions. There’s upwards of 10 people in the buying committee. And really that is hard, even with five people to reach consensus. So the companies that are getting it and that are are really doing as well are coming in and saying, look, there’s a lot of information out. There is a lot of content out there. We want to come in and help you diagnose what your true problem is and really serve as a strategic adviser to help you make the best decision for you. We don’t want to push more content. We don’t want to give you more stuff. And for that, what companies are doing is they’re rewarding those companies with their trust. They’re awarding them with their loyalty, and they really see them as a strategic adviser on their buying committee. And more often than not, they’re going to go with them because they guide them through that whole process and they become customers. So don’t focus on just pushing out more content. You want to you want to have a seat at the table with the bond committee. And the way to do that is providing value and every interaction that you have with that particular target buyer and helping them make a decision, not just giving them more content and more things to look at, because I’m going to tell you, they’re going to they’re going to throw their hands up and be like, I just need somebody to help me understand what I need and help me make a decision with these other folks that are on my buying committee.
[00:21:02] So I’m excited to say that we have just released the seven steps to allow the transformation. So in the book Create Togetherness, I talk about the three pillars of alignment transformation, and those are data processing and communication. So the feedback I got from a leader is just like yourself that have read the book is that, hey, Jeff, we really love these this framework. Can you help us with a step by step guide of how to actually implement this organization? This is a true business transformation. It’s not going to happen in a week or a month. You really have to be committed to changing the way that you do business. And so it was important for you as a sales leader or marketing leader or revenue leader in your organization to really set the stage and be able to set expectations that achieving sales and marketing alignment is not an overnight thing. Many people want to write articles and say, like, I’ll come in and fix it in a week, and that’s just not the case. We have to be realistic. So I want to share with you a portion of the seven steps of alignment transformation due to the time that we have together. I don’t want to rush and I want to be able to share with you do a deep dove to help you understand the first three steps that will get you on the way to actually changing the way that sales and marketing engage with each other. So I’ll go through at a very, very high level to seven to understand what the overall process looks like. And then again, I’ll do a deeper dive into the first three to give you a little bit more context of what that looks like for you and your organization.
[00:22:29] So step number one is assess, assessing misalignments, having a significant impact on revenue growth. The second is quantify. You want to quantify the impact that misalignment is having on your ability to generate predictable revenue growth. Third, you want to model. You want to develop an online marketing and sales revenue growth model. And then fourth, which I feel is the most important that many, many efforts within organizations miss, which really impacts our ability to actually successfully execute this if you want to secure sponsorship from the CEO and leadership. And so you want to demonstrate to the CEO why alignment transformation is necessary and get their commitment to sponsor the initiative. So this goes beyond just supporting the initiative. You need them to sponsor it. You need to be the face. You need them to be the voice of that moving forward. This is how we’re going to do business. Sales and marketing will operate as one aligned revenue engine because the reality of things is you need to have everybody commit to this. This is a business transformation effort. And you and I tell people if you don’t have the CEO on board, you’re going to have a short-lived alignment transformation effort. And or if it even gets off the ground, it may last for quarter, maybe two, but ultimately be to make a sustainable change in organization. This has got to be voiced over to the CEO so that everybody in the organization from the top down understands that this is not optional, that this is the way that we’re going to do business moving forward. So the fifth is share data to develop a single view of the buyer. The sixth is develop a process. The goal there is to build out and align lead to revenue process. And the seventh is collaborate.
[00:24:17] And so that’s establishing a formal feedback loop to gain insight and continually improve. So I’ll go to those one more time so we kind of idea of how that flows.
[00:24:26] So one, assess to quantify three model package, all of that to share that with the CEO, the executive leadership team.
[00:24:40] Have that both robust conversation, make the business case and then win that sponsorship and then five share data across the organization, six develop process on the seventh and last but not least, and also one that we could probably all improve upon, and that’s collaborating across the aisle between sales and marketing.
[00:25:02] So let’s do a little bit of a deeper dive into the first three so that you can get an idea of how you can start and implement this into your organization tomorrow or next time you’re in the office which right now is virtual. We know that. So, number one, assess the misalignments, impact on revenue growth so that exercise that I had to do in the beginning where you raise your hand physically or you didn’t mind, actually goes over really well one person. So think back to that. Think about how many times you actually raised your hand. You need everybody in organization to also agree with you and be on board with you. What I run into many times organizations that people don’t really appreciate, how important the misalignment are. How the misalignment between sales of marketing is impacting the business. They will minimize it or say it’s not really an issue. And so before you try to implement anything like this, you want everybody to level set and say this is the issue. And so what you want to do is you want to identify a key misalignment triggers exists.
[00:26:05] So again, this goes back to we talk about the high volume leads, low close rates. Marketing has no contribution to pipeline revenue. If you’re operating organization were marketing literally as a cost center, which historically many teams operated that operate that way.
[00:26:20] We’ve got to change that. And that is a red flag that you probably have a misalignment issue. While the total marketing compensation shouldn’t be tied to revenue goal, we have to really start having marketing teams have more skin in the game and know that their variable compensation is got to be tied to revenue goal. So that is not happening in marketing, really has no accountability to the revenue goal, then that definitely is indicative that we have a that’s a trigger that lets us know that sales and marketing are misaligned. Sales and marketing use different data to evaluate business performance. Customers complain about poor customer experience. This is again, it’s a cross-functional effort. These are all things that if you know that this is an issue that you can really start to have conversations with and have hard evidence that these things are happening. And then you can make the case for all of these things are happening. These are telltale signs that misalignment between sales and marketing is a bigger issue and a bigger deal. And we may think, let’s all agree that at least that let’s let’s pursue this effort because it’s going to make our business better. And it last but not least, sales and marketing don’t share customer insights of business intelligence. Again, telltale sign that that we’re missing, misaligned between sales and marketing. So these are some ways that you can really get everybody on board and really, really crystallize that this is something that’s worth our time and that we all agree that this is something that really is happening in our organization.
[00:27:47] So we go on to to step two what to quantify the impact on revenue growth also in a very important state. And so you want to evaluate the revenue engine performance metrics against industry benchmarks or historical sales data. So we want to go beyond just looking at sales metrics and marketing metrics, because many times those are based on volume, which you can sometimes miss the nuance. And that’s what’s going on inside the revenue engine. So we have to step back and look across the organization to see how efficient or not efficient our revenue engine actually is. So we want to look at those cross-functional fixes like CAC or customer acquisition costs. Is that going down over time or is that increasing over time? Because what you can find is you may have an increase in overall volume, but if your cost of acquisition, cost of acquisition, acquiring new customers is also going up, then you effectively really need to relook at how you’re spending your money to acquire new customers. So that can sometimes get hidden. If you’re just looking at your volume, need to close ratios is another really important one customer lifetime value.
[00:28:52] Again, this is a metrics that span the revenue engine and you want to see how they’re tracking over time. And then for those SaaS companies, the cost of net new IRR. So these are the type of metrics, the performance metrics that will really show you. Do you have an online revenue engine that can really actually produce results in the most efficient way?
[00:29:12] As we said earlier in the presentation, we have to get out of looking at pure volume and start to really look at productivity, effectiveness and efficiency, because that’s where we’re going to really win moving forward and really be able to to measure what we’re doing is effective in achieving sustainable revenue growth.
[00:29:34] So the third is you want to develop an online revenue growth model. It’s one thing to say we’re going to align sales and marketing. This is where we’re going. But if people don’t understand what we’re trying to get to and what the new model looks like, they’re going to be really hesitant and really in a lot of people will be like, I don’t know. So you’ve really got to take the time to think through and model what the new world looks like. I talked to a marketing leader that said we’re going to focus on quality of leads and we’re going to only focus on certain types of accounts. And that probably is going to reduce the number of wells that we provide sales. And I asked and I said, what? Did you explain that to the sales leader and how did that go? And they were like, well, it didn’t go very well. And he was really upset and said here’s the reality of things. You’ve got to show that sales leader like we may be pulling pulling the pedal off the gas a little bit. But what’s going to happen is that those leads that your sales people get, they’re going to convert at a higher rate. You have to assure people that although you’re changing this, this is also going to change and it’s going to take time for you to be thoughtful about that and show that in a way that people resonate with.
[00:30:42] So I always suggest getting the CFO or the financial leader involved, because there are a lot of cross-functional metrics across cross-functional variables that are impacted, i.e. sales comp plan and may need to change by virtue that we have less alijah less into coming in and being able to let salespeople not worry about, like, overly doing it because they’re going to get panic because they have less leads. We also need to think about the fact that we’re going to change the variable comp for marketers and tie their compensation to to a revenue number.
[00:31:12] So all those things impact this new plan, its new approach.
[00:31:17] So you just need to be thoughtful about modeling it out so people know what that look, I don’t know what that looks like. And then this is going to help you make the business case for your CEO and your executive and be able to get buy in and then get sponsorship by virtue that you’ve done all this great work. You’ve gotten people on board, you’ve quantified the impact of misalignment is having, and then you kind of model out what the new approach looks like. That is a compelling case that you can go to to the CEO and leadership and then say not only have we identified that misalignment is an issue that needs to be taken seriously, we we know that it has a significant impact on our ability to generate revenue consistently. And then this is how we think the future should look. And then you get the thumbs up from the CEO and then you can move forward.
[00:32:01] So those are the three steps that I wanted to kind of go through and give you a little bit more clarity on the model. So I think this is a really clear way for us to think about going through a step by step process. There’s a lot of things to do. Obviously, a big step takes some time. But I think the seven steps, as I said before, will be a really great guide and roadmap for you to be able to approach this alignment, transformation between sales and marketing for your organization.
[00:32:30] So hopefully that presentation was helpful. If you want to do a deeper dive or you want to go more into the three three goals, alignment, transformation and the service that we talk about, I encourage you to pick up my book. The audio book just came out so. Whether you like to actually physically read or you want to hear, you can pick up a copy of the book at Great Togetherness book Dotcom. The book is really written to be a strategic roadmap for revenue leaders, whether it be sales, marketing CEOs, to really help you see the modern buy or sell relationship in a different and a different way. And to really be able to think about sales, the relationship between sales and marketing, and their ability to work together to achieve sustainable revenue growth in a different way as well can be more than happy. You got a lot of huge support from other experts in the industry that have given their particular spin on their domain expertize. So I think that you really, really will find the book a great resource to start a conversation. I hope that if you are a sales leader and you pick up a book, you also encourage your marketing leader to pick up the book and then start a conversation about how you you two can work together better. So I love talking about sales and marketing. I love working with the two parts organization. I have my aha moment many, many, many, many years ago, but many years ago really helped me understand the power of the sales and marketing relationship. So I definitely want to stay connected with you. If you have questions for all, always more. More than I’m always more than happy to have you reach out to me on social media. My handle is meet Jeff Davis across LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. And then you can also learn more about my work and meet to meet Jeff Davis dot com. So I hope that you were inspired. I hope that you saw things in a little bit of a different way. And I also hope that you will be energized to go back to your organization to really talk about the the change in the relationship between the moderate modern buyer and seller and how you can really start to a dialog with the organization about sales, marketing, coming together and interacting in a different way so that you can help both functions be able to be more efficient and effective at what they do.
[00:34:44] With that said, I want to thank you for your time. And as I always say in closing, create togetherness. Have a great conference.